
Monday, March 2, 2015

I have a home!

Well, I've been working on it all day, and boy did I have a ton of questions to ask about how it all works, but I am proud to say I now have a little home of my own!  I had thought about renting one of the tents on KoS2, but with some frustrations that have occurred this past week (I really dislike some pirates), I decided it might be better if I chose a place where I could get away.

I got a premium account, which I had looked at over the past few days, and I chose one of the free homes that came with it.  My friend warned me that you can't put much in one, and that I would really need to pay attention to prim count on any furniture I bought to put in it.  She suggested a few places to me, and I did a lot of searches on the Marketplace.  I wanted to keep my home furnishings in theme with my current character, but I found that was quite hard to do. I did the best I could overall.

I learned about building today, putting objects where I like them, and adjusting things.  I'm still not sure if I've done everything right, but hopefully soon I can invite my friend the Giant over to have a look.  Oh!  I also learned about starting groups.  I was very worried about keeping my house private, and with everything I read, it seemed that restricting it to a group and such was the best option.

I wonder if I should take pictures of my house to post here?  Unfortunately the themes for the free homes are limited, but hopefully Asian will work for me.  At least they let you choose textures, so I was able to make the inside a bit more bright!

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